Saturday 8 April 2017

What would be the audience for your media product?- Values and lifestyles

According to Bulmer and Katz Uses and Gratifications Theory audiences make media selections based on the type of gratification they seek.
The primary gratifications Bulmer and Katz identified are:
  • -Diversion: Escapism, passing time, release of tension
  • -Personal relationship: using the media to fulfil the need of companionship, using the media to form social/ para-social relationships
  • -Surveillance/ Cognitive needs: to view others' experiences, to acquire information, knowledge or understanding
  • - identity: This works two ways e.g. readers may identify with some aspects of the life of the person they're reading about or aspire to be like them but there's also identity in the sense that readers may become such devotees of the styles of music that you feature that my magazine becomes an important part of their identity so they see themselves as Landslide readers.
I believe my readers will be Experiencers and Strivers.
      • Strivers- low resource group, motivated by achievements, fewer economical, social and psychological resources, style is important.
      • Experiencers- motivated by self expression, they are the youngest of all the segment with a median age of 25. They have a lot of energy which they pour into physical exercise and social activities.

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